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Jennifer Lopez Is Sexy and Timeless: By Luisa Diaz For Naughty Gossip

Jennifer Lopez Is Sexy Is Timeless: By Luisa Diaz

Everybody talks about sexy. Sexiness is a coveted quality by both men and women. The Webster Dictionary says, “Sexy is a quality that is appealing, attractive, or interesting.” In my book, Sexy Is Timeless, I analyze the ten timeless, sexy assets that lie within you that have nothing to do with physicality. Don’t get me wrong– I like to look fabulous. But the true essence of sexiness lies within you and, more importantly, it gets better with age. Let’s examine a few of these assets that I highlight in my book Sexy Is Timeless. Let’s look at J-Lo. She just turned fifty and is still beautiful, sexy, and timeless. Let’s explore her eternal fountain of youth. I describe confidence as the first timeless, sexy asset that lies within you. J-Lo has been a courageous risk taker throughout her career. Confidence comes through the doing. The key to her success has been her strong work-ethic. J-Lo projects such strong confidence because she has gained that confidence though the doing– her countless hours of rehearsal for her acting, singing, and dancing. J-Lo has been able to become whole on her own, which she calls her most valuable life lesson. She exudes confidence. One look at her performance at the Super Bowl and you see a woman at the top of her craft. Confidence is earned through preparation, and it is very sexy.

Of course, J-Lo has always embraced her femininity which is another of the ten timeless sexy assets that lie within. Let’s not confuse “femininity” with “feminism”. She understands that a woman can be strong, run for president, or lead a billion-dollar industry while wearing high heels, lipstick, and looking fabulous. She always embraces her body, regardless of size. Perhaps J-Lo and I share that from our Latino heritage. She proudly emphasizes her famous butt without making apologies while going on to develop a fashion line, becoming a producer and a highly successful businesswoman. At the same time, she doesn’t forget her feminine qualities such as empathy, compassion, patience, and forgiveness. Femininity is not a weakness. It is a strength.

Let’s look at another often overlooked sexy asset that lies within, kindness. J-Lo has been on the front lines of raising money and awareness for children and women issues for over 20 years. She launched the Lopez Family Foundation which has provided health care for underprivileged women and children in partnership with the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Her foundation has helped the expansion of medical facilities in Panama and Puerto Rico. The list goes on and on and continues to this day. Her kindness and generosity of spirit has enhanced her worldview and allowed her to channel her career success into something that can help people who are not in a position to help themselves. Kindness is part of the true essence of being a fully realized woman and that is a core asset to being sexy.

Women in their fifties are breaking the rules of how a woman of a certain age should dress and behave. Every woman has the ten timeless sexy assets that lie within them. Let these assets that lie with you find your inner fountain of youth, and become sexy and timeless just like J-Lo. For more information on the other timeless sexy assets that lie within you, get my book through my website ( or through Amazon.

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